Why Well Chosen Words Matter
In a 1998 AIGA interview, the late, legendary adman, iconic copywriter, and self-described graphic communicator George Lois, a disciple of Paul Rand and the Bauhaus, described his creative process as, “… think in words, then add the visual. Then you can make one plus one equal three.”
I get it. I make copy sit, heel, rollover, and beg. If dangling participles have you buffaloed, if you’re not sure your writing license won’t be revoked if you split that infinitive, I can ease that worry, with a fresh perspective and a talent for communicating.
Writing That Inspires Isn’t A Commodity
This well known parable illustrates perfectly the art of writing.
One mild April morning, a copywriter takes a walk. He sees a beggar sitting on the sidewalk. Beside him is an empty basket, and a homemade sign that simply reads “Blind.”
“Mind if I scribble something here,” asks the writer.
“Be my guest,” replies the blind man.
A short time later, the basket is overflowing with contributions.
The sign now begins with an introduction:
“It is Spring, and I am...”
I’ve written an ocean of words over the years. These are two of my favorite contrasts in style, each created for small business advertising campaigns.
If you’d like to add sparkle and excitement to your brand, I can help. With copy that inspires, imagines, and illustrates.
North of Rio. East Of The Moon. And Under The Sun
The desire to seek life’s finer pleasures is instinctive. It is a thirst difficult to quench in an age of faux fashion and ersatz cuisine, hostels in lieu of hotels, and indifference in place of service.
Is there one address that can still make the promise?
And keep it?
There is.
Bal Harbour Village.
A cooly lit sapphire that sparkles with the elegance and sophistication of Parisian boulevards and the vias of Milan.
A place of untroubled beaches and intimate dining, whispered destinations and delicate glances.
Where hospitality isn’t practiced, but perfected. Where quality isn’t questioned, but expected. And where you may just find that what you’ve always wanted, is already here.
At Bal Harbour Village.
North of Rio.
East of the moon.
And under the sun.
— for Bal Harbour Shoppes | Bal Harour, Florida
Its Mother Thinks It’s Beautiful
Say adios to those “Fell Over In The New Asphalt” blues.
Our kickstands are so tough, they’ll rip the guts out of a freight train!
For Harley-Davidson® Big Twins ’36-current. Contact your local dealer, or call for info and pricing on all our products.
— for Image Motorcycle Products | Camarillo, California