graphic design
art direction
public relations
photo imaging
direct mail
POP | POS marketing
web consulting
design @ behance
design @ wnw

Website Ideas and Solutions
Affordable web development blends html, graphic design, marketing, and brand elements in a way viewers find enjoyable and clients find sustainable.

shanti vinyasa needed an economical way to reach a local audience and build an internet following. I designed a micro-site to achieve those objectives using client-managed content.
- brand concept
- naming strategy
- mini-site architecture
- logo development
- original art direction
- splash page
- social media coaching
- collateral print design
- WordPress blog install
Sites that present visitors with an uncluttered design and an easily navigated interface are what keep visitors engaged.
My User Experience (UX) guided designs are inspired by contemporary print layout: a comfortable to read typeface with line lengths, leading, and character spacing that won’t cause eyestrain or confusion.
Development services include basic SEO, metadata, professional content, and user friendly UI concepts for maximum consumer satisfaction and efficient web performance.
Depending on the client’s online footprint, design also includes social channels.
Clients are encouraged to purchase their own URL domains (with consultation). Site hosting is offered as a service.
Unless declined, a self-hosted WordPress blog is installed for easy client interaction.
Enjoy the look and feel of a well coordinated print, brand, and online design approach as part of your digital marketing effort.