Tag Archives: graphic design

fresh twist in online ads

Got caught up reading a link from Poynter Institute’s Daily Beast RSS feed and noticed this tasty fresh approach to presenting online advertising – note the word wrap to the ad’s outline.

For all I know this technique’s been around awhile but it’s the first time I’ve noticed. End result: eyecatching integration and another step closer to replicating print sex appeal in an increasingly flexible online framework.

living in the truman show

ehsan maleki is a tehran photographer and bloggerI entered “iran election photos” to get a sense of how, in a little over two decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union, communication technology has changed the face of the world.

The first page of hits included Ehsan Maleki’s appropriately title Iran Election Photos, which led me to his wonderfully entertaining self-titled photo blog.

Just two weeks ago I posted new content that attempted to parse the world of emerging/social media in terms readers would find relevant in a tumultuous business climate. Nothing could better demonstrate the incredible gulf between old and new media than the events surrounding the Iranian elections – and the cellphone driven technology (twitter) that’s responsible. Continue reading

big city creative strikes out

if it ain't broke - no really, don't fix it!Last January 8, PepsiCo owned Tropicana rolled out their stunningly bland new corporate look, a makeover fashioned by Omnicom owned NYC shop Arnell, at a campaign launch cost pegged by some at no less than $35 million. A little less than two months later, PepsiCo couldn’t shovel dirt on it fast enough. The funeral was February 23.

That little detour down “Don’t Even Think About It” Lane has now, according to the April 2 issue of AdAge, reportedly cost the powerhouse beverage brand 20% in unit sales, 19% in dollars ($33 million) and unknown market share damage. Ka-pow! For those who still think packaging’s no big deal and brand management is way overrated, this Oh-Jay’s for you. Continue reading

it’s not politics – it’s marketing

This isn’t about politics. No. The just concluded election turned the corner on how America communicates and in the process opened the door to the new face of marketing that’s savvy, smart and hip.

Reporting in the October 13, 2008 edition of Powersports Business News, editor Neil Pascale singled out brand consultant Paul Leinberger’s comments from the Suzuki national dealer meeting in Las Vegas. Ready? “The most important thing you have at your dealership is your web site.” Continue reading

pepsi pops for new look

We’re on the side that says the jury’s still out on Pepsi’s latest logo revision. Gone is the 3-D look, as is the all caps logotype that’s been in use since 1962.

Pepsi’s revisited their image 11 times over their century plus history of serving a frosty alternative to That Other Cola. Cost to revamp, according to Ad Age, is $1-mil plus for the design, but implementation will likely be well in excess of two hundred million by the time all the signage and applications are accounted for and delivered.

The lesson here is that shareholders wouldn’t sit still for an instant if the revamp didn’t have a dollars and sense basis. In other words, logos aren’t carved in stone these days. It’s pixels and plastic and the right look means more cha-ching at the end of the day.