Tag Archives: locator

save a spot for SPOT

I was four-fifths into Day One of the 2008 Cycle World Trek and headin’ for home when it dawned on me I might be – was – lost. Misplaced. Whatever. Cellphone, GPS, map and compass notwithstanding, I was having a little trouble with my bearings.

In the Sierras, lost is one thing. Lost and disabled is quite another. Just ask, well, just ask those guys they finally found a few years ago, freshly thawed after being frozen in a glacier for the last six decades. At least the bears didn’t eat ’em like Popsicle h’or douvres.

With a low fuel warning light on, the notion of sustaining a twisted ankle or worse nagged a little. EPRBs have long been a mainstay of sailors, but now comes a handy little device that’s affordable, dependable and with a variety of uses other than 911 come find me. SPOT.

SPOT might be just the gadget offroaders, solo tourers, or anyone who strays from civilization’s path long enough to escape traffic lights and homicidal drivers is looking for. Or should pack anyway.

This compact satellite messenger can transmit bread crumbs to your homies, summon the cavalry, check in with your honey or send a pick up location at ride’s end. And at just under $170, the device is very affordable, as are the service plan (required) options.